Costa Mesa Domestic Violence Attorney

Costa Mesa Domestic Violence Attorney

Costa Mesa Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence negatively impacts the lives of thousands of people in the U.S. every day. Because of how dangerous family violence is, the state of California takes any kind of domestic violence case very seriously. This means that if an individual is ultimately convicted, they can face strict legal penalties moving forward.

Unfortunately, some domestic violence cases are filed without proper evidence or with false information. Because of this, there are a variety of individuals who have faced false accusations of domestic violence across Orange County. If you are facing a domestic violence charge in Costa Mesa, do not delay getting the proper legal assistance to represent you, like our team at Brown & Stedman, LLP.

Orange County Criminal Defense Lawyers

Facing a domestic abuse charge can be frightening and overwhelming, especially if you do not have legal help. That is why our team at Brown & Stedman, LLP, is committed to assisting each of our clients through the difficulties that come with these kinds of cases. Our attorneys share decades of experience practicing criminal defense and have found solutions to countless complex cases.

Our team is devoted to representing the rights of our clients and can work to fight for the best outcome possible for your situation. If you are dealing with potential domestic violence charges in Orange County, see how our expert attorneys can assist you with your case today.

Costa Mesa Domestic Violence Attorneys

What Is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence occurs when an individual threatens, harms, abuses, or assaults someone that they share a close, personal relationship with. California defines a personal, intimate relationship as any blood-related family member, spouses or domestic partners, roommates and previous roommates, or ex-spouses and ex-partners. The main difference between domestic violence charges and general assault or harassment charges is the close relationship shared between the defendant and the victim in a domestic violence case.

California law defines domestic abuse as:

  • Intentionally or recklessly physically harming or trying to harm someone with whom you share an intimate relationship
  • Sexual assault or abuse of any form
  • Threatening to harm an individual in an intimate relationship or making them reasonably fearful that you will seriously harm them
  • Harassing, threatening, stalking, damaging property, disturbing the peace of an individual’s home or workplace, or any other dangerous or potentially violent behaviors directed at someone in an intimate relationship

Different Forms of Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can come in multiple different forms, including:

Physical Violence

Physical violence is one of the most common types of domestic abuse seen in the state of California. It encompasses a wide range of domestic violence offenses, and charges can vary in severity depending on the type of violence used and how injured the victim was. Physical violence can include a variety of behaviors, including:

  • Hitting
  • Punching
  • Choking
  • Stabbing
  • Burning
  • Holding down
  • Restraining
  • Slapping
  • Kicking

Emotional Abuse

Many believe that domestic abuse is only physical. However, emotional abuse is a traumatic, hurtful experience that can deeply affect an individual as well. Examples of emotional abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Gaslighting
  • Ripping apart an individual’s self-esteem
  • Being blatantly mean or threatening
  • Having violent, loud outbursts

Often, emotional abuse is seen in combination with other forms of domestic violence.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual assault or abuse is defined as when an individual intentionally commits a sexual act on another individual who does not consent or is unaware of what is taking place. It can involve force, threats, coercion, and even unlawful injury. Sexual abuse is one of the most serious forms of domestic violence and will result in harsh consequences if convicted.

Threats and Other Dangerous Behavior

The last common form of domestic violence involves threats and other potentially dangerous behaviors that are directed at a specific individual. Threats of violence or harm are considered an imminent danger and require immediate action. They are also a form of emotional abuse that can traumatize someone and make them consistently fear for their safety. Other potentially disturbing behaviors, such as stalking and damaging property, are also common.

Why You Need an Experienced Defense Lawyer in Costa Mesa

When the time comes for your case’s trial, it is imperative to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Working with one of our lawyers here at Brown & Stedman, LLP, comes with a variety of benefits.

Guide You Through Your Case

We believe that it is essential for every one of our clients to fully understand their rights and the laws surrounding their case. Because of this, we can work with you to help you better understand the laws of your charge as well as navigate you through your different legal proceedings. Legal cases are complex and often involve multiple different, important steps. From your initial hearing to your case’s trial, working with one of our expert attorneys can help you immensely.

Create a Strong Defense

Having a strong defense is a critical part of any case. At Brown & Stedman, LLP, we are committed to working with our clients to create the strongest defense for their situation possible. We can gather evidence, listen to your side of the story, and work with you to create a defense unique to your situation. We understand just how important it is to have a lawyer who is willing to listen and work with you. This is why we provide impartial, compassionate assistance at all times.

Represent You in Court and Fight for the Best Outcome

Going to trial will most likely be the most complex part of your case. This is why you will want to make sure you have an attorney that you can trust to properly represent you. By working with us, we can use our extensive knowledge of the law and negotiation skills to represent you to the best of our ability. We can also fight for the best outcome possible for your situation throughout your entire case.

Potential Penalties for Domestic Violence in California

Because every domestic violence case is unique, the consequences that occur can vary. Some domestic violence charges are always considered misdemeanors, some are always considered felonies, and some are considered to be “wobbler” charges. Wobbler charges are charges that can be classified as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the severity of the case.

Penalties for misdemeanor domestic abuse can include:

  • Up to one year in your local jail
  • Fines up to $6,000
  • Potential loss of child custody or visitation rights

Penalties for felony domestic abuse can include:

  • Anywhere from two to six years in prison, or more if it is not the defendant’s first offense
  • Fines up to $6,000
  • Potential loss of child custody or visitation rights

What Can a Restraining Order Do in California?

Restraining orders are often used in domestic violence situations to prevent an individual from further contacting, harming, or even being near the individual they harmed. Also referred to as “protective orders,” restraining orders come in three main forms:

  • Personal conduct orders
  • Stay-away orders
  • Resident exclusion (move-out) orders

If any type of protective order is filed against you, you can face harsh consequences if you violate it. A restraining order in California has the power to do one or more of the following:

  • Halt and prohibit all contact, in-person and digitally.
  • Prohibit any sort of physical altercation or interaction.
  • Prohibit damaging personal property.
  • Prohibit disturbing the peace.
  • Compel the defendant to always keep a certain distance away (for example, at least 100 yards away at all times).
  • Force the defendant to leave their home.
  • Child custody or visitation rights can be redacted.

What Should I Do If a Domestic Violence Case Is Filed Against Me in California?

Any sort of criminal charge is daunting. If you are arrested for domestic violence charges in California, the first thing you need to do is find legal representation to help you. In the U.S., all individuals have the right to representation, even if they cannot afford it.

This means that if you do not choose a private lawyer yourself, the state will appoint a public defender to represent you. After you have acquired a lawyer, you will need to talk honestly to your attorney about your case so that they can help you form a defense. From there, your lawyer will assist you in gathering evidence and preparing for your trial. They can try to get your charge dismissed or fight for the least severe consequences.

Orange County Domestic Violence Attorneys

If you are facing a potential domestic violence conviction in Costa Mesa, California, it is crucial that you seek expert legal representation as soon as possible. Here at Brown & Stedman, LLP, our team of experienced attorneys has represented clients in countless criminal cases and is prepared to evaluate yours.

We understand how the law works, how your case will go, and can help you decide the best course of action to take for your situation. Whether you were arrested for a domestic violence charge or are facing a different criminal offense, contact our team at Brown & Stedman, LLP, immediately to see how we may be able to help you.

Learn More About What We Can Do To Help

We invite you to call us at 949-459-5900 to schedule your free initial consultation. You can also reach our firm by contacting us online.

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